
Best and Finals – Extortion or Necessary?

Best and Finals – Extortion or Necessary? After you have put an offer in on your dream home you may feel like the Estate Agent is trying to extort you if they come back and ask what your best and final offer is. Therefore, we have asked, Best and Finals – Extortion or Necessary? We use Best and Finals. We don’t do this to extort the buyer but simply to make the process smoother and quicker. Think about this: An Estate Agent has three people offering similar prices on a property. Asking Price £250,000 Buyer 1 – offers £248,000 Buyer ... View Property

On the Market and UNSOLD with an Online Agent

On the Market and UNSOLD with an Online Agent Frustration is probably the best word to describe your feelings right now if you have a house on the market and unsold with an online agent. We want to help you sell your house. Use the advice below to challenge your online agent and make sure they are working for you. Firstly speak to your agent and ask them how they qualify the viewers coming through your door. What do we mean by qualify you may ask? Qualifying viewers is a series of questions your agent should ask before they come ... View Property